May 2021 Super Full Moon Eclipse
"The Super Blood Moon Eclipse on May 26, 2021, is a rare celestial event. On this night, the bright, luminous Super Full Moon will appear bigger than usual in the night sky, and turn a brilliant shade of red as it eclipsed by the shadow of the earth.
Blood Moon...
Grab your headphones and drop into a sonic journey with us on this Spring Equinox. Use the following link to reserve a space for our first ZOOM sound bath meditation.
Grab your headphones and drop into a sonic journey with us on this Spring Equinox. Use the following link to reserve a space for our first ZOOM sound bath meditation.
"There is so much to unpack about this ultra magical date! I am sure that as we move closer to the time (I am writing this on October 6, 2020) that I will have more insights that come through.
Let’s first talk about what is almost always true for December 21st of any year- it is the Solstice.
November 2020 Scorpio Super New Moon
"Into the watery depths we go with the third and final Super New Moon of the year. Falling in the sign of Scorpio on November 14-15, this New Moon is going to be deeply emotional but also deeply healing.
Whatever needs to come to the surface, especially on ...
Spiritual Significance of Novmber 11/11 2020
November 11
"The famous 11/11! A special day for so many! This day holds the number code of 1111, which is a power number in astrology and also an angel number.
If there is something you want to manifest or a wish you want to make, this is the day to...