Sacred Light Blog

New Moon in Gemini May 2020 - Sacred Light Soundbaths and Crystals

New Moon in Gemini May 2020

The Gemini New Moon on May 22, 2020 is a busy one. It strengthens the Pleiadean Portal and involves energy from Venus, Mercury, Neptune, and Saturn. All of this cosmic activity may feel a little overwhelming, but there is a way we can use it to our advantage. The New Moon represents the start ...
New Moon in Taurus 2020 - Sacred Light Soundbaths and Crystals

New Moon in Taurus 2020

New Moon in Taurus 2020 Our opportunity to build a better future is here. Under the power of the Taurus New Moon, we are being called to think about what we wish to create. We are being asked to set a goal and take small, methodical steps in order to achieve it. The Taurus New Moon on April 22...
Spring Equinox 2020 - Sacred Light Soundbaths and Crystals

Spring Equinox 2020

  Spring Equinox 2020 "As the Sun crosses the celestial equator on March 19-20th, we experience equal hours of night and day. 12 hours to align with the dark and 12 hours to align with the light, creating the perfect balance. We can use this balance found on the Equinox to honor the dark and t...
March Virgo Super Moon 2020 - Sacred Light Soundbaths and Crystals

March Virgo Super Moon 2020

"The March 9th Super Full Moon falls in the sign of Virgo. Shortly after this Full Moon peaks, Virgo’s ruling planet, Mercury will station direct, signaling the end of its retrograde. Having these two potent energies back to back allows things to be illuminated so we can see the bigger picture....
February Pisces New Moon 2020 - Sacred Light Soundbaths and Crystals

February Pisces New Moon 2020

"The Pisces New Moon falls on February 23rd and beckons us to dive deep into the ocean of our soul. Take a moment wherever you are, and draw a deep breath. Sink into yourself. Pause and feel what it’s like to be in your body in this moment. Recognize that your body is more than 70 percent wate...
February Full Moon in Leo 2020 - Sacred Light Soundbaths and Crystals

February Full Moon in Leo 2020

   The February Full Moon falls on the 8th or 9th of the month, depending on your time zone. It rests in the sign of Leo, and its energy comes to tend to the fire that lives within our hearts.  It comes to clear away all that dims our light and separates us from feeling connected to our jour...