Spiritual Significance of Novmber 11/11 2020
November 11
"The famous 11/11! A special day for so many! This day holds the number code of 1111, which is a power number in astrology and also an angel number.
If there is something you want to manifest or a wish you want to make, this is the day to set your intentions!
1111 heightens our ability to create and to leave an imprint on the tapestry that is all of life. It also indicates that we are in completely harmony and alignment with all of nature.
From this state of alignment, it becomes easier for us to feel grounded and connected to our life here on Earth, but also to the magic and wisdom of higher realms.
November 11 is also an extremely powerful day for opening your heart and strengthening the energy of your heart field.
If you are feeling blocked when it comes to matters of the heart, or if you are struggling to connect with your heart’s desire, set an intention and ask your angels and guides to assist you in releasing any blocks that are no longer needed.
Throughout the day, try to consciously keep your heart open and in the vibration of love, understanding, forgiveness, and compassion, especially towards yourself!
If there is something you wish to draw in, manifest, or create this is also a powerful day for prayer, ritual work, but to also take action.
Think of something you wish to create and draw in to your life and then take three steps (even if they are small) to help you turn it into a reality.
1111 Ritual
Step 1: Begin free flow writing for 11 minutes about all the things that open your heart and bring you joy in your life. This can include things that currently bring you joy or things that you want to bring into your life in the future. When you are free-flow writing, the idea is to keep writing without lifting the pen off the page, so allow yourself to write whatever in order to keep the pen moving.
Step 2: Go through what you have written and highlight all the key activities or feeling words that stand out to you. These words and/or activities, are going to provide you with clues as to where you need to be focusing your energy and time.
Step 3: Choose 3 of the best feeling words or activities that resonate the most with you right now and then write them down on a separate sheet of paper. Now place your hand over your heart and repeat for each –
“I give myself permission to feel/do (insert feeling/activity here) I give myself permission to bring more of this energy into my life starting today.”
Step 4: Now close your eyes, and visualize what your life will look like when you bring in all of this beautiful energy. See yourself achieving all that you want, and feeling joyful and happy. Meditate on this for 11 minutes.
Step 5: With your vision in mind, write a clear intention for what you want to manifest in your life. Try to succinctly capture what emotions, feelings, and things you want to bring into your life in one sentence. This will help you send a clear wish to the Universe. Here are some examples-
“My intention moving forward is to bring more relaxed and peaceful energy into my life so I may feel aligned and connected with my highest path”
“My intention moving forward is to give myself permission to play and to feel young and joyful again.”
“My intention moving forward is to listen and honor my intuition so I can advance further in my career and bring in more abundance.”
“My intention moving forward is to open my heart to new love and to share new memories with another.”
There is no right or wrong when it comes to your intention, just try to phrase it in a positive way. Once you have your intention, keep it somewhere you can see it regularly or state it out loud a few times.
Step 6: Place your hands in prayer position, thank your Spirit team, and close with the affirmation-
“I am aligned, I am One, I am creating the life of my highest path where all my wishes are fulfilled. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” Written by Forever Conscious