"Solar Eclipses are always a time of change. Think of them like a powerful New Moon that can bring fresh opportunities and wake up areas of your life that have felt stagnant or old.
July 12th brings a Partial Solar Eclipse in the sign of Cancer. This is the first Eclipse we have had in Cancer since 2009, and starts off a new cycle that will last until 2020.
Eclipses usually fall in the same two opposing signs. For the last year or so, we have had Eclipses in Leo and Aquarius, but now we are shifting into having Eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn.
July’s Solar Eclipse will be the opening of this new cycle and will light the way for the years to come. As the first of the Cancer Eclipses, the energy we experience now is only going to grow and develop, so we can reach new heights and learn new things.
Around Eclipse time, the cosmos shakes things up in our life so we can see something new or different. The Universe shakes us so we can start setting new intentions or plans that we wouldn’t have normally considered or thought about before.
This Cancer Solar Eclipse has a strong rebirth energy and is asking us to dig deep into our soul to uncover what parts of our lives need to be awakened or reinvented.
Perhaps we have been walking the path that was laid for us many years ago, and perhaps this path is outdated or is no longer working.
We are not the same anymore. After all the cosmic upgrades and energy in the recent years, we have all undergone tremendous cycles of death and rebirth.
Now, with July’s Eclipses, we are being asked to honor the changes that have taken place within us, we are being asked to honor who we are today, and to adjust our lives accordingly.
We are being asked to really sink deeper into ourselves, and work out what we truly desire and what we truly want for our lives.
We need to connect with ourselves on a deeper level; we need to ask ourselves who we are in order to know what we find important.
Who are you on the deepest of levels? What is your truth?
When you peer within, you will find the answers. When you peer within you will see that there is only one truth- your truth.
Even though this can be challenging, think of this Solar Eclipse as a cosmic shortcut to a higher level of consciousness.
In order to harness this energy all we need to do is remain open, and to allow the Universe to guide us forward. Trying to fight the flow or trying too hard to control things is not going to be in our favor.
We need to allow the Solar Eclipse energy to take the lead, and reveal to us the answers.
Because there are so many planets retrograde around this Solar Eclipse, we may not be able to understand or interpret this energy straight away. In fact, it may take some time before we can tap in and use the Eclipse energy to our full advantage.
Being patient is going to be an essential part of this Eclipse energy, and we are going to have to allow things time to unravel or unfold.
July’s Solar Eclipse also carries a lot of emotional energy, which means it is important to protect and be mindful of our energetic bodies. It also carries a strong nurturing energy, making self-love and self-care a top priority.
You don’t have to worry about what intentions to set or what direction you need to head in around this Solar Eclipse. Simply sit back and allow yourself to be guided. Allow yourself to surrender to the flow of the Universe.
Just put your hands up and say- I am ready, I am open, I want to be guided, I want to be lead to my highest destiny.
By opening yourself to the cosmos, by practicing lots of acceptance, self-love, and self-care, this Solar Eclipse will unlock all the doors it needs to, and in time, you will be able to walk through them all one by one.
The tides are changing and shifting, a new cycle is blossoming, and you are blossoming along with it." Insights written by Forever Conscious