July 2018 Blood Moon Total Eclipse
"In astrology, the Moon rules over our emotional body and our intuition. It allows us to feel and reminds us that we are so much more than just what we can see.
The Moon is how so many of us feel connected to the cosmos and to the skies, which is why over the years, we have looked to the Moon for guidance and understanding.
Out of all the lunar activity, we will ever feel or experience, July’s Blood Moon Total Eclipse is going to be one of the most potent. This is because it is the longest Lunar Eclipse we will have this century.
Falling in the air sign of Aquarius on July 27th, this Blood Moon Total Eclipse is so strong that it’s going to penetrate straight into the pits of our soul, in order to shift and upgrade us to a new level.
Planet Earth is a challenging dimension. There are wars, famines, so much pain and so much suffering, and yet, our souls signed up to come here. Our souls chose to come to Earth at this time because we knew it was where we needed to be.
Under this Blood Moon Eclipse energy, the karma of our soul is going to be stirred, and if we pay attention, we may get a glimmer or a reminder as to why our soul chose this journey in the first place.
While we may look at life through our physical eyes as being unfair, good, bad, and everything in between, the eyes of our soul sees things differently.
When we look at life through our spiritual or third eye, we begin to see life take on a whole new meaning and a whole new color.
When we look at life through the eyes of our soul, we understand and can see that everything is perfect. Everything is just as it should be.
Of course, this same reasoning is hard to find when we look at things through the lens of our mind.
Life on Earth is a challenge, but we signed up for it. And, on the night of this Blood Moon Eclipse, things are going to be pulled and drawn out of us so we can remember what we came here to learn, and what our purpose is moving forward.
Opportunities like this come as a gift to remind us, to activate us, and to awaken us to what path we need to be on, and where we need to make some changes.
This Aquarius Eclipse is going to push us. It is going to take from us. It is going to penetrate us right where it hurts, so we can clear, release, and find our freedom.
As the longest Lunar Eclipse, we will ever experience, this is an opportunity for us to dig deep, and reach further to clear and let go of all that we no longer want to carry. This is a time for us to purge, cleanse, and detoxify. This is a time for us to release the karma of many lifetimes.
We have to surrender all that is weighing us down. We have to surrender and allow ourselves to be lead and guided.
Aquarius energy is all about the bigger picture. We are all this together. We cannot blame each other or one person. We cannot only feel what we feel."
Insights written by Forever Conscious