The Full Moon on February 19th falls in the earth sign of Virgo and is the strongest Super Moon of the year.
Super Moons occur when the Moon is closer to Earth, and on February 19th, the Moon will be at its closest point all year.
We will see the Moon shining big and bright in the sky, and we will also feel the energetic effects and pull of the Moon vibrating at the depths of our soul.
This Super Full Moon is also potent as it falls at zero degrees of Virgo. Zero is the number of potential and limitless opportunities. Zero is the blank canvas of all creation, signaling that this Full Moon is really going to offer infinite potential.
February’s Full Moon is going to help us realize our potential and also the potential around us, it is also going to open us, broaden our horizons, and encourage us to open our minds and hearts to something beyond our current reality.
Since the January Eclipses, things have been shaken for many people. Perhaps your path suddenly changed or perhaps you simply started seeing things in a different light, causing you to change your attitude, beliefs, or life direction.
Life always has a way of pulling us in different directions. These directions may not always be rosy, but somewhere deep inside, we have to trust that whatever we experience is here to lift us higher, to open our hearts, and to help us to grow.
What the human mind may perceive as terrible or annoying, our soul may be rejoicing at the lessons we get to learn, the emotional range we get to experience, and the life changing wisdom we get to acquire.
Looking at the world through our higher mind definitely gives us a new perspective, and allows us to see beyond our own egos.
The light of this Full Moon is going to be so strong, and the pull of its energy is going to be intense that we will have no other choice but to open up.
The contents of our lives will be released and exposed, we will be cut open, and free to see what is really brewing on the inside.
This exposure and release can happen on a mind, body, spirit level or on a combination of all three.
On a mental level, this Full Moon is going to be exposing all that we need to release and let go of. While this is typical for most Full Moons, on this Virgo Moon we are specifically going to be encouraged to let go of repetitive thoughts, over-thinking, worries, and fears of the future.
To help us with this, the Universe may stir some of our core fears, or agitate some of our beliefs in order to help bring awareness and exposure to them.
Most of us have fear lurking in the corner of our minds and hearts and, while this is part of our human experience, the more conscious we can become of our fear, the more it helps us to know when it is driving our decisions or when it is simply in the background as a way to protect us.
Fear can be healthy in reasonable doses, but most of us are over-driven with fear, which keeps us stuck in repetitive patterns and in a lower vibrational state.
On this Full Moon, work on becoming aware of your fears. Acknowledge them. Stand them down. Pierce them with your gaze straight to their core, for doing so will loosen their grip on your life.
Sometimes, all you have to do is become aware of where you are operating with fear and the rest will follow.
The Universe is saying to you- release the fears that hold you back and bond you to these earthly illusions. On the other side of your fear is everything you have ever wanted, everything you have ever dreamed of. Your fears are not to be ignored, but rather they are to be challenged. Rise up to them, for you are strong enough, and the power of this Moon will be helping you.
On a physical level, this Full Moon may also put a spotlight on your health. If you have not been looking after yourself, or if you have been ignoring any lingering symptoms, it is going to be important to take action around this Full Moon.
Self-care is always so important, but on this Full Moon we really have to pay attention and look after our physical bodies as much as possible. A huge part of this is also practicing self-love, and accepting our bodies no matter what, even if we are faced with illness or dis-ease.
Our bodies are the vessel that we have chosen to carry our soul through this earthly journey. The shape of our body, the state of our body is the perfect vessel for the lessons and growth that our soul is here to do. Honor your body, honor any perceived flaws, and know that you are perfect.
Allow the light of the Moon to shine down on your face and soak up the healing vibes it emits. Allow the light of the Moon to beam straight into your core, so it can recharge your energy centers, awaken your soul, and revitalize your body.
On the deepest soul level, this Full Moon is helping to awaken our potential within. This Full Moon is helping to crack us open so we can see beyond our beliefs and into a new reality.
We perceive our reality to be a solid, three-dimensional world, but for those who have expanded their mind and awareness, it is easy to see that there are dimensions beyond this, life beyond this, and realms beyond this.
Life is not only what we see, there is an unseen world too, and if you open to the Moon’s energy, if you allow its light to shine straight through your soul, you will be able to awaken this awareness and see that life can be imagined and lived in far more detail, in far more vivid color, and with far more magic." Insights written by Forever Conscious