Black Tourmaline with Quartz Medium Bracelet
Black Tourmaline with Quartz Medium Bracelet
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1939 Hillhurst Ave.
1939 Hillhurst Ave.
Los Angeles CA 90027
United States
Tourmilated Quartz
Root Chakra and Crown Chakra
Tourmilated Quartz is clear or white quartz which has pieces of Black Tourmaline within it. These quartz crystals have strong metaphysical properties.
They encourage a large amount of light to encircle your body, and this will help heal you on many levels.
The addition of this light into your being makes these powerful healing crystals.
This is because this combination embodies both the energy of Black Tourmaline and the strong vibration of Clear quartz crystals, which amplifies the Tourmaline energy.
Just like Black Tourmaline, Tourmalinated quartz stones have a strong spiritual grounding energy as well as being potent psychic protection stones.
Black Tourmaline is a protective stone which repels and blocks negative energies and psychic attack. Black Tourmaline also aids in the removal of negative energies within a person or a space. Black Tourmaline will cleanse, purify, and transform dense energy into a lighter vibration.
A popular metaphysical stone, Black Tourmaline is also great for grounding. It balances, harmonizes, and protects all of the Chakras. Use Black Tourmaline to protect against electromagnetic "smog" (i.e. cell phones, computers, etc), radiation, noise sensitivity and other such disturbances. Black Tourmaline can be used as an aid to remove fear and boost self-confidence.
Black Tourmaline has a calming effect when needed, grounding flighty or scattered energies into the earth. Those who face challenges from negativity, frequent worrying, and/or OCD can work with Black Tourmaline to help heal these issues. Carry a piece of Black Tourmaline in your pocket to increase physical vitality throughout your day.
Please be advised: The crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace or be used as medical treatment.
You will receive one (1) Tourmilated Quartz Bracelet about 7-7.5" in diameter with a card describing its properties. It will be gift-wrapped and charged with our singing bowls, Archangel Michael Spray, and infused with Reiki energy before being sent out.
Blessings of love and abundance,
Sacred Light