The Capricorn Super Full Moon comes into view on July 13, 2022. Falling in the earthy, and grounded sign of the Sea-Goat, this Full Moon calls for us to take responsibility for our lives and the direction they are traveling.
If we are not happy, if we are not fulfilled, if we are not spending our time how we wish to, this Full Moon beckons us to take charge and own up to any of our self-sabotaging actions which may have led us here.
Confronting what is not working and taking responsibility for how some things have unfolded can always be challenging, but there is a power to be found in doing this work, there is a power in addressing what we may be doing to contribute and how we can turn things around to get our lives closer to where we want to be.
Of course, there is only so much in our control, but if you use the powers of this Full Moon wisely, it can guide you to overcome obstacles, face up to challenges, and reach the top of whatever mountain you wish to climb.
Letting go, closing doors, saying goodbye can all be hard things to do, but this Full Moon is our opportunity to re-write our next chapter, to refashion our dreams and goals that didn’t work out, and to know that all we experience is a part of life and a part of making us stronger. There are truly no wrong paths in this life, just lessons, that make us wiser, better, and more capable human beings.
Mercury, the planet of communication is also hovering close to this Full Moon, so it’s likely we may find ourselves needing to have a difficult conversation, or find the confidence needed to share what we really feel.
Mindful communication can be hard to achieve, but the practical, grounded, and mature energies from the Capricorn Super Full Moon will help us to choose our words with deliberate intention.
We can also use this energy to remember the creative power our words hold. The words we speak to ourselves especially carry a lot of weight, so be sure to watch how you are communicating with yourself.
If you notice your inner voice is self-deprecating or self-sabotaging, see if you can switch things around to a more hopeful standpoint. Try to make your inner self-talk honest but something that makes you feel good.
The Capricorn Super Full Moon is definitely a heavy one, but there are so many jewels hidden in its depths if we are willing to dive to the bottom or climb to the top to reach them. Those that make the journey will not regret it!
As this is the second of three Super Full Moons, it is also likely that there is more to the picture and more to be revealed come August’s Super Full Moon.
-Forever Conscious