Super Blood Moon Eclipse 2019
"On January 20-21st we have a Super Blood Moon Eclipse in the sign of Leo. This Eclipse is ultra potent as it’s both a Super Moon and a Blood Moon.
We will not have another Super Blood Moon Eclipse until 2021, so you can rest assured that this Leo Eclipse is definitely going to leave a lasting impression on all of us.
A Super Moon occurs when the Moon is closest to Earth. This means that we will see it shining big and bright in the sky. It also means the energetic effects of the Moon will be stronger than usual.
A Blood Moon occurs when we have a Total Lunar Eclipse. The totality of the Eclipse gives the Moon a reddish hue, hence the name Blood Moon. A Total Lunar Eclipse is the most potent kind we can have and signals a profound rebirth and culmination of energy.
On top of all of this, the fact that this Lunar Eclipse falls in Leo also adds to the significance.
For the last 18 months or so, we have been working with the Eclipse energies of Leo and Aquarius. This Eclipse cycle began back in February 2017, but now this January 2019 Leo Eclipse is the last in the cycle.
Seeing as this is the last Eclipse in the cycle, it is going to bring endings and a culmination to the lessons we have been working with since early 2017.
This is huge energy we are wrapping up, and it’s likely we will all feel a sense of resolution and completion.
As you can see, this Leo Eclipse is extremely potent and is going to be activating and transforming us on the deepest layers of our soul.
Overall, this Eclipse represents a time where we can birth ourselves, our past, our creations, our wounds, and our self-expression out into the world. This “birthing” process is one we may feel either on a creative level or on a level that allows us to release and let go.
This Eclipse also has some volatile, erratic energy to it, so we may feel a little scattered, drained or off balance. We may also find ourselves being pulled to release wounds of the past and to let go of things we thought we had dealt with.
To help you understand what flavor this Eclipse may have for you, think about what was happening in your life around February 2017. It is likely issues or themes from this time may play a part in what comes up for you.
It is not necessarily that the same events will repeat themselves, but you may find you are continuing your growth and development in regards to whatever was brewing around this time.
You may also gain closure in regards to these events, and feel proud of yourself for how far you have come. In fact, this Eclipse is like a graduation of sorts, so no matter what brews for you, be sure to honor just how far you have come and to celebrate the journey you have traveled.
Life is by no means easy, so we must remember to celebrate our victories both big and small. If we look at our lives through the eyes of love, we will always find so much to be grateful for and so much to rejoice in.
No matter what this Eclipse brings up for you, here you stand, trying to understand more, open your heart more, and learn more. As you read these words allow them to heal you, allow them to open you, and really honor the fact that you are taking the time to understand the cosmos and how it can aid your growth.
Accessing angelic realms and higher states of consciousness is also going to be easier under the effects of this Eclipse, so be sure to tune into your own guidance system and listen to the voice of your intuition.
While this Eclipse will touch us all differently, but we may also notice themes arising in areas surrounding our family life, creativity, and leadership.
We may also see these themes playing out on the world stage as well. In fact, in ancient astrology, a Leo Blood Moon Eclipse was a bad omen for the King and was seen as a prophecy that his time of reign was coming to an end.
It is very likely that under this Eclipse we may see changes to leadership in governments and in big organizations.
Due to the volatile energy around this Eclipse, it is going to be wise to think before speaking and to avoid getting swept up in the heat of the moment, especially when it comes to relationship matters.
Egos may be quick to rise under the energy of this Leo Eclipse, so do your best to stay mindful and to avoid arguments or conversations where you need to prove yourself or why you are right and the other person is wrong.
These types of discussions or arguments are never ones worth winning, as everyone has their own point of view, their own pains, and their own lens in which they view the world.
Tuning into your creativity is a great way to help negate some of this Eclipse energy, so if you find yourself feeling heated or wound up by something, make the time to do something that gets your creative juices flowing.
Eclipses always bring fated events into our lives, so in a sense, we can sit back and allow ourselves to be guided. We don’t have to worry about what actions to take on an Eclipse, because often the actions we need to take arise spontaneously and naturally.
Part of the reason Eclipses are so potent is that they put us where we need to be and unlock paths of our soul contract that we have been fated to walk down.
On this Blood Moon Eclipse, the energy is so strong and potent that we are going to find ourselves led in the right direction with minimal effort. Of course, the journey may not be easy, and we may feel resistance and fear, but keep trusting and know that the heavens have a plan for you.
Eclipses can be challenging, but very often they lead us to our highest destiny and help us to grow in leaps and bounds. Trust what unfolds for you on this January Super Blood Moon Eclipse. Stay open to the energies and pay attention to where you feel called to go." Insights by Forever Conscious