"The September 22nd Equinox marks the Sun’s move into Libra and the start of Spring in the Southern Hemisphere and Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. The Equinox happens twice a year when the Sun crosses the celestial equator. As the Sun crosses this point, it results in equal hours of light and dark. The Equinox is also a significant turning point in the astrological year, and represents the half way mark as the Sun journey’s through the 12 different constellations. The Sun’s journey through Libra signifies a time of balance and working together with others. It is a time to turn our attention to the “other” and to focus on how we can create healthy partnerships and friendships. Libra energy is about finding the balance between honoring your own needs and wants, and taking into consideration others needs and wants. It is a time to find harmony and equilibrium with all areas of your life. With the changing of the seasons, there is also a shift in the flow and direction of energy. In the northern hemisphere, energy starts to move inward and we are encouraged to release and let go of all that no longer serves us. We see this mirrored in nature as the trees begin to shed their leaves and as the weather becomes cooler. We have less hours of light and more hours of darkness. In the southern hemisphere, the energy starts to move outward and we are encouraged to express and put ourselves out there. This is also mirrored in nature with the start of Spring and the blooming of blossoms and creation of new life. This is a very fertile time where we can take all we have been planning and start putting it into action. The hours of sunlight increase, and the weather gets warmer. These shifts in nature give us a clue as to what shifts are occurring within us as well and begin preparing us for the Winter/Summer, which is also the last season before the astrological new year begins. Libra energy is about partnership, it is about connecting with others and opening our heart to others. It is about learning to understand other people’s points of view, and developing empathy for our fellow human. The energy of the Sun in Libra, is there to remind us that we are all one in the same. It is there to heal cultural and deep seeded wounds that we have around our connections with others. It is there to help us see that our differences are just an illusion and deep down, we are really connected, we are one. The famous- treat others as you wish to be treated– takes on a whole new meaning when we tune into the awareness that we are all the same. This sensation of connectedness can also be achieved through meditation, and if we allow ourselves, we can tune in and feel that everyone’s hurt is our hurt, and everyone’s joy is our joy. It may be a tricky concept to wrap our heads around unless we have experienced it or feel it for ourselves, but without the cloak of reality, without these human shells that we call bodies, we are really just all made of the same star stuff. The differences we perceive in others and the issues that we have with others, are all powerful teachers for us in this life. When you feel whole and secure in yourself it removes the need for judgement. When you love yourself, it allows you to focus on the love you find in others. The September 22 Equinox is a time to heal the divide. It is a time to cross that bridge between the ego you and the higher self you, and feel the connection, the strength, and the love that comes from knowing that we are One." Insights Written by Forever Conscious