"Since the Blood Moon Eclipse on May 26, we have been walking a portal between the old and the new, between one state of consciousness and the next. This portal finally comes to an end on June 10, with the arrival of the New Moon Solar Eclipse.
This New Moon Solar Eclipse represents a new beginning. Whatever path has been cleared for us by the Blood Moon, we can now begin to see where we are heading.
No matter where we currently stand, this Solar New Moon Eclipse will ensure that we are headed in the right direction. It signals a time to embrace the new.
Trust in whatever has been moving and shaking for you. Know that whatever needs to fall away will fall, and whatever needs to stay will stay. That is the nature and power of Eclipses.
This June 10 New Moon Solar Eclipse falls in the tropical sign of Gemini at 19 degrees. It is an Annular Eclipse, which means the shadow of the Earth will move into the middle of the Sun, creating a ring of fire.
Gemini is represented by the twins, with one twin being mortal and the other immortal. These two twins represent the duality we face on Earth. We are humans, limited by our physical bodies and in need of material comforts, but we are also limitless souls, on an endless journey of growth.
On a human level, we can find ourselves labeling things or events as good or bad, but on a soul level, we understand the bigger picture and know that all experiences serve their purpose.
Recognizing this duality within us can be tricky, but may also help to bring some ease as we navigate any changing or unsettling energies that flow our way.
How can we let go of the labels and stories we are telling ourselves, and look at things through a new lens?
With Neptune involved in this June Eclipse, and Mercury still in retrograde, we may find ourselves coming face to face with some new information or even mental processes that may feel overwhelming or confusing.
Even though this New Moon Eclipse promises new beginnings and is a fertile time to plant seeds, it calls for us to move slowly and to trust in our intuition. If something feels off, listen.
In fact, a good reminder under this Eclipse energy is to not believe everything you think or hear!
We are walking on new ground now, and we need to get our bearings before we can confidently move ahead, so don’t be afraid to pause and wait till you feel clearer.
Our intuition will be our guide, so if things feel mentally foggy or if you feel like you are being manipulated by someone, be sure to drop in and trust the wisdom and inner guidance of your soul.
Along with Neptune and Mercury both being active at this Eclipse, so too is Saturn.
Saturn is also currently in retrograde, and may stir things from our past that need to be looked at once more.
This is not about going back to ruminate on the past, rather it is about acknowledging- what have I learned?
We are moving into new territory under this Eclipse, but the wisdom from our past can be a faithful guide.
While the Eclipse is likely to trigger our past memories differently, it may also help to look back to events that took place during May and November of 2020, or if you can think that far back- December 2011. Does anything stand out from these time periods?
Remember, it’s not that the same events are likely to take place, it is more that you will be leveling up or perhaps reaching a new state of growth on your journey of evolution.
Eclipses have long been used as tools of prediction, and part of this process involves looking to see where on the nodal axis the Eclipse falls.
This June Solar Eclipse is a North Node eclipse, which signifies an opening to a new chapter of our collective destiny.
On a global level, the collective choices we make around the time of this Eclipse are dictating our collective future. This is also the last Eclipse we will experience in Gemini until 2029, so whatever is planted now will create a ripple until this time.
What type of planet do we want to live on? What type of society do we want to create?
Our choices, words, and thoughts have a power here that can help shift the planet into a higher frequency.
While we cannot control what others do, we can take the power into our own hands by being mindful of our own thoughts, actions, and choices.
Know the actions or initiations taken around this Solar Eclipse have an added weight and can create the fabric of our collective future for years to come.
Use the energy of the Eclipse to focus on the things that you want, rather than the things you don’t want. Be mindful about where your thoughts are and how they are making you feel.
This doesn’t mean we have to fake positive, but being aware of how you are allowing your thoughts to lead you can be powerful. Are you leading from a place of love or fear?
And if the answer is fear, how can you confidently acknowledge this, take ownership of it, and support and love yourself through the process?
This June Solar Eclipse brings an end to Eclipse Season, but let’s use this energy to its fullest advantage.
Eclipses thin the veil and allow us to access our intuition with greater ease. They provide us with guidance, and the opportunity to take a leap into a higher state of being.
Don’t force things or push your way forward under this energy. Allow yourself to be shown the way. Allow the breadcrumbs to appear and then see where they lead you.
Eclipse energies are powerful, so surrender to what comes and trust that this June Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse will set you up for where you need to be heading." Written by Forever Consious Photography Tailored Art