Gemini New Moon 2019
"The New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon align at the exact same position in the sky. This results in the Moon being hidden away, which brings a darkness to the night. When the Moon and the Sun join hands, they rebirth each other and begin a new cycle. This new cycle holds the promise of growth, empowerment, and change. This new cycle is the opportunity we have to rebuild ourselves and to begin again. While the Full Moon is more noticeable both in the night sky and on an emotional level, the New Moon is just as powerful as it works on the inner, deeper layers of our soul. We cannot see the New Moon but on a soul level, the energy is working us, recharging us, and helping us to draw in what it is that we want from our lives. New Moons draw things to us, which is why it is a powerful and potent time for manifesting, visualizing, and setting intentions for the month to come. The month of June opens with the Gemini New Moon on the 3rd. This New Moon is all about truth, communication, and self-expression. This New Moon is drawing us to get clear on what our truth is and to work on expressing how we really feel. Under the darkness of this New Moon, we are also going to feel motivated to take action in some area of our lives. While New Moons often cause us to retreat within and into the shadows of our own heart and soul, this New Moon is really championing us to take initiative and get things done. There might be things in our lives that crop up around the Gemini New Moon that encourage us to act, make a decision, or put our foot down. We may also have to step up and take responsibility for what we want. If there is something we wish to communicate or speak up about, the New Moon will be supporting us to find our courage and strength. As Oprah once said- “you only get in life what you have the courage to ask for.” And, under the spell of the New Moon, we must not be afraid to speak up and share what it is we desire. While the Gemini New Moon is wonderful for all forms of self-expression and communication, we also have to be mindful of how we choose to communicate and what truths we wish to share with others. Communication is an art form and involves a lot of listening. Very often, we listen just to respond or we get so wrapped up in what we are thinking and feeling that we forget to really pay attention to what the other person is saying. When we are not present in the moment, when we don’t give the person in front of us our undivided attention, it makes effective or mindful communication a lot harder to achieve. While we can’t force someone to listen to us or even understand us, we can lead by example by learning to really listen to the clues and signs around us. By listening and observing, it also allows more room for our other senses to kick in, especially our intuitive senses which are sometimes quieter and softer than our mind. We are not just limited to our five senses. Within us, we have the power and potential to tap into other more ethereal senses such as our intuitive sense, our psychic sense, our telepathic sense, and more. We always have these abilities on offer to us, but under the Gemini New Moon, they will be heightened, sharpened and easier for us to work with. Take a moment to think about how you can listen more, whether it is listening to your clients, your friends, your family, or the Universe. Listening may just present that missing piece or the answers you’ve been looking for. In fact, if something has been troubling you, think about where can you afford to listen more. Where can you afford to tune into your intuition and trust the wisdom and knowledge that arises? If we want to communicate effectively, if we want to get to the truth of something, we first have to learn how to really listen. Under the dark New Moon of June, don’t hide away from your true power. Don’t squash down your emotions or ignore the gentle pulls and nudges of your heart. Use this energy to rise up, to speak up, and to stand up for all you believe in. Use this energy to take action and to take responsibility for the world you wish to create and the reality you wish to walk in. We are not on this planet alone. Making connections, sharing our stories, listening to other stories, has always been the foundation of society and of humanity. Let’s get back to that. Let’s get back to story time and open up about our journey, who we are, and what inspires us. Let us find the confidence to share our truth, to talk about our weaknesses and our strengths, and to celebrate the stories of others, for sharing and listening is how we inspire, grow, and change the world." Written by Forever Conscious