“Take a moment to pause. Take a moment to sit back and reflect on your life. Feel in to how far you have traveled. Feel in to all the painful moments. Witness how they have softened you. Witness how they have made you stronger. After a long journey of traveling within. After a long journey of sitting in the dark and sitting in the pain, the light is now emerging. The time to blossom has finally come after a long journey through the depths of the soul. The August Full Moon in Pisces falls on the 26-27th and brings with it a fresh burst of creative and romantic energy. It is one of the best Full Moon’s of the year, and signifies a new opening, a new gateway of energy that we all get to enjoy. After the intensity of three Eclipses and many planets in retrograde, we are now being given a breath of fresh air. We have now reached the light at the end of the tunnel, and we are going to feel rewarded for wherever we have landed. Since July we have been walking the Eclipse gateway between a trinity of three very potent Eclipses. This bridge was leading us away from the old into the new. This bridge was our map, our ticket to a plane of higher consciousness, and therefore the journey was not easy. We had to accelerate our growth and development. The Universe had to push us, it had to bring events and circumstances into our lives that were going to force us to notice the truth, and feel what was real inside the depths of our hearts. Although this trinity of Eclipses took place over the course of just two months, we have been working with this Eclipse cycle for some time, and now as we are at the end of the bridge, we are able to see that it connects to a totally new path. A new journey is now before us. As we look out at the horizon at this new world before us, we may feel uncomfortable. We may even resist the changes that have occurred, but with the help of this Pisces Full Moon we are going to get a burst of confidence, we are going to get a burst of knowing. Deep in our hearts we are going to know that this is the best and truest path for us and where we need to be right now. Deep in our hearts we are going to know that right where we stand is perfect. Under the influence of this beautiful Pisces Full Moon, we are going to be able to look out at the new path in front of us and feel excited for the journeys that are destined to come. We are going to feel stronger, we are going to feel more aligned with ourselves. Life is always twisting and turning, but it’s cosmic alignments and moments like these that remind us why we are here and what this is all for. Life is not to break us down. Life is not to hurt us. We are here to grow. We are here to learn. We are here to have an adventure. Our timeless souls know the truth. Our timeless souls know that this is a temporary movie, a temporary script that we all get to act out together. And when it’s all done, when it’s all over, we will return to our true nature, our true home, and laugh about how wonderful it was, the friends we made, and the memories we had. We will also cherish the hard times, and know that it was in these times that we did the most learning and the most growing. The message of this August Full Moon is to celebrate yourself and the journey. You have traveled far and now you need to honor yourself, be gentle with yourself, and love yourself. This Full Moon is the perfect time to take a pause, it is the perfect time to give yourself a hug and to congratulate yourself for everything. You are perfect. You are beautiful. And the life you have created is amazing. You deserve it all. And most importantly, you deserve your own love and affection. The August Pisces Full Moon is radiant, it is a beacon of hope, and it is a pure and true light in the dark. It is protective, it is magical, and it is a reminder that you are stronger than you ever imagined. You are wiser now, you are wiser for the road you have traveled. Just like the Moon, you are more magnificent and radiant than ever before. So, stand under the light of this Moon. Bathe under the light of this Moon. Charge your crystals under the light of this Moon, as you are going to want to soak up these harmonious vibes and enjoy them for as long as you can. The August Full Moon is a rare treat. A beautiful melody of energy that is going to love you, hold you, and remind you that no matter what, you got this. You got this.” Written by Forever Conscious